About me

Berit Kramer, Cultural manager (M.A.)

Born and raised in Detmold, I studied church music (diploma) at the Cologne Academy of Music. During my studies, I already worked at the office of a music festival and masterclass in Solsona / Spain. In extra-occupational studies I completed the Master of Arts (M.A.) in cultural and media management at the KMM Institute of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Hamburg.

I have been working professionally in cultural management for eleven years now. Formative career path sections were the office of Concerto Köln, an internship in the cultural program department of the Goethe-Institut Madrid and for six years the management of the Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben.

In the fall of 2016, I started my own business as a cultural manager in Berlin. Since then I have been working for and with various ensembles as well as solo artists of the independent scene and realize my own projects. Examples can be found in the projects.